What is the background of Financial Resilience Training?
The training is based on research on household problem debt in Ireland conducted by TASC in 2019. Problem debt or over indebtedness occurs when households are over-burdened by debt repayments and do not have the means to meet essential living costs and debt repayments as they fall due.
In 2020, TASC designed and began delivering the “Money Made Sense” financial capability training, delivered in partnership with Northside Partnership and MABS (Money Advice and Budgeting Service).
The research found that in Ireland low-paid workers and single parents have consistently higher rates of over-indebtedness and lower rates of financial capability than other household types.
The report sought to challenge the understanding that high levels of personal debt are solely the result of personal failing/ individual behaviours. This attitude ignores the other drivers of debt and the ways debt is connected to key structural factors – including the cost of living and housing, income levels, access to financial services and financial exclusion.
We are always looking for new communities and charities to work with. Please reach out by registering your interest above.
Locations where training has been delivered:
Ballyhoura Development Company CLG
Carlow County Development Company
Cork Equal and Sustainable Community Alliance
Multiple Sclerosis Ireland Mid-West Information Event
Dublin Simon Community
Dublin South City Partnership
Galway City Partnership
Multiple Sclerosis Ireland
University Galway
Donegal Local Development Company CLG
COPE Galway
Photos from Training:
Carlow Local Development Company FRT Training